Child Custody
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Child Custody

Coming to terms with the idea that no longer will you be putting your child to bed each night might be the single most difficult circumstance to accept in a divorce.

So coming to agreement about the care of your children in the tempest of a divorce or separation may prove challenging. Conflicts arise when each parent has different ideas about what is right and fair, and in the child’s best interest. Custody decisions do not have to involve a court battle.

Mediation or collaborative methods can help parents arrive at workable solutions and keep the decision-making out of the courtroom. If necessary, however, I will zealously litigate your custody or parenting time issues in court.

At The Law Office of Agnes Rybar, LLC, I can help you understand what custody means in practice and help you to design a plan that is truly right for you and your child.

The Language Of Child Custody

The state of New Jersey encourages joint custody arrangements whenever possible. In New Jersey, that means that a child may live with one parent or may divide time between parents’ homes in an agreed-upon arrangement.

  • Legal custody refers to the right of a parent to have a major voice in decisions about their child’s education, medical care, religious upbringing, etc.
  • Physical, or residential, custody may be granted to one parent or shared between both and refers to the day-to-day care of the child.
  • Parenting time refers to a noncustodial parent’s visitation rights or outlines time-sharing between parents sharing residential custody.
  • Joint custody arrangements define shared responsibility between parents.
  • Sole custody is relatively rare now, but may be awarded when one parent is deemed unfit.

Personal, Legal, Professional Experience

I know from personal experience what you are facing, and I am committed to using my skills and experience to drive the best possible outcome. I work diligently to resolve issues in child custody and visitation matters, seeking creative solutions when possible. I believe that negotiated solutions are superior to decisions imposed by a judge, especially for the children.

When settlement is impossible, I am resolute in defending my clients’ interests.

Contact A Toms River Child Custody Lawyer

When you have questions about child custody options, relocation or other matters, call attorney Agnes Rybar, at 732-286-7763 or contact us online.

Main Office
One Hadley Avenue
Toms River, NJ 08753
Phone: 732-286-7763
Fax: 732-228-6314
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The Law Office of Agnes Rybar, LLC, in Toms River, New Jersey, serves clients throughout Ocean County, Monmouth County and elsewhere in South Jersey and along the Jersey Shore, including many in Forked River, Brick and Lakewood.

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